In 2020 the Iolanthe Midwifery Trust made awards to 3 students and 9 midwives, including 2 Dora Opoku Awards, the Mary Cronk Award, the Elizabeth Duff Award, the Jean Davies Award and a Midwifery Research Fellowship, in addition to our coveted Midwives and Student Awards.
Dora Opoku Student Award Winner
(for a student from a Black, Asian or minority ethnic community)
Gloria Owolabi-Agbongbon, studying at Edinburgh Napier University, who travelled to Mexico for her 3rd year elective midwifery placement.
Dora Opoku Midwives Award Winner
(for a midwife from a Black, Asian or minority ethnic community)
Radica Hardyal, studying at the University of Hertfordshire, who is undertaking research into Midwives’ Role in Severe Maternal Morbidity: the views of women, birth partners and midwives.
Student Award Winners
Louise Downie, a student midwife from the University of the West of Scotland, who will be going on a RCM Accredited course on perineal suturing for midwives.
Stacey Malone, from the University of Hertfordshire, will be travelling with three colleagues to attend an Appropriate Skills for Appropriate Places (ASAP) Workshop in Wales.
Midwife Award Winners
Claire Cregg, working at the Blackburn Birth Centre, who will put the award towards a local training course for midwives in complimentary therapies.
Elizabeth Murphy, a midwife from the St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester and University of Manchester School of Health Sciences, who is using her funding to organise local training on human rights in maternity care.
Evony Lynch, a midwife based at Royal Cornwall Hospital Trust, is using her award to arrange local training on optimising birth through midwifery skills. Evony also won the Mary Cronk Award.
Jude Field, a midwife from School of Health Sciences, Bangor University, is organising a study day on sexual violence and womens health for midwives and other interested health professionals.
Mo Tabib, who works at Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen and NHS Grampian, is undertaking research exploring the Influence of Antenatal Relaxation Classes (ARC) on Childbirth Experiences and Maternal Psychological Wellbeing: An Exploratory Mixed-Method Study.
The Elizabeth Duff Award (supporting the midwife-mother relationship)
Nikola Duncan, a midwife from Whittington Health NHS Trust, London who will use her award to create an aromatherapy, massage and hypnotherapy service for women.
The Iolanthe/RCM Jean Davies Award for addressing health inequalities
Tomasina Stacey, from Calderdale and Huddersfield Foundation Trust, who is using her funding to improve the communication of key health messages about diabetes in pregnancy to culturally and linguistically diverse communities with the use of co-designed digital animation..
The Midwifery Research Fellowship for writing up a PhD
Cristina Fernandez Turienzo, from King's College London, is using her funding for research on the implementation and evaluation of a midwifery continuity of care model for women at increased risk of preterm birth in South London.