The Iolanthe Midwifery Trust 2015 awards helped 7 students and 9 midwives
See the film of our Award Winners receiving their awards at the annual ceremony
Student Award Winners
Jenny Mison, studying at Sheffield Hallam University, went on a Hypnobirthing course
Sophie Dann, from Coventry University, travelled to Arusha, Tanzania for a three week elective placement
Holly Parker, student at City University London, spent two weeks with a midwives’ practice called 'Een goed begin' in Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Rosie Hotchin, Sheffield Hallam University, went on a ‘Wise Hippo’ Hypnobirthing Instructor Training Course, held in Sheffield
Claire Litchfield, from Oxford Brookes University, undertook an elective placement in Tengeru, Tanzania
Holly Smith, Southampton University, will be learning with other student midwives at the Boromarjonani College of Nursing, in Udonthani, Thailand
Indie McDowell, Staffordshire University, visited Cambodia, spending time in a hospital, a community outreach post and in the offices of the Cambodian Midwifery Council.
Find out more about Student Awards
Midwife Award Winners
Sharyn Lock, midwife at the Yorkshire Storks Independent Midwifery Practice, was awarded funding to investigate how to support midwifery-led normal birth in Gaza. Unfortunately for safety reasons she was unable to travel to this area.
Linda Jones, Wrightington, Wigan & Leigh NHS Trust, used her funding to help with her MSc Dissertation exploring women’s informed choice as a mechanism to influence midwifery away from custom and practice procedures
Jane Pollock, George Eliot NHS Trust, Nuneaton, ran a running a Caring for the Carers Project, with a conference and a tool kit for delegates to help them cope with the stresses of working within maternity care: Jane also receives the Ann Stewart award for commitment to practice
Claire Nutt, Women and Children's Health, North Bristol Trust, calls her project 'Massage for Maternity' – a course on infant massage with Wellmother, in Bristol, to enable offering personal massage sessions for both women in pregnancy and for midwives within the trust: Claire also receives the Dame Rosalind Paget award for a holistic approach to care
Mary Kitson, Whittington NHS Trust, Highgate, London, will pursue a Focused Course in Third Trimester Fetal Surveillance, with a view to providing holistic and timely care to women who attend the unit.
Victoria Davitt, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, is funded for her Masters degree in Advanced Leadership for Healthcare Practitioners, to help support a gender-based violence service
Catherine McParlin, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne, will attend a workshop on Qualitative Interviewing in Health Research to help explore women’s experiences and examine attitudes and behaviours in greater depth than quantitative research alone.
Find out more about Midwives Awards
The joint Iolanthe/RCM Jean Davies Award
This was awarded to Annie Lester, Integrated Midwife at Stroud Maternity unit, who is running an early years integrated targeted support pilot called Empowering Women through Group Antenatal Care; this is being carried out in areas of multiple deprivation in Gloucestershire.
Find out more about the Jean Davies Award
The Midwifery Research Fellowship
This was awarded to Allison Farnworth, who was in the final stage of her doctoral studies at Newcastle University and was funded to write up her research on ‘How does the organisation of the NHS impact on the abilities and experiences of frontline health care staff in assessing quality of care and engaging in activities to improve it?’ Alison has since obtained her PhD.