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Iolanthe Midwifery Research Fellow receives PhD

20 Jul 2017

A special day for Allison Farnworth as she receives her PhD from Newcastle University

Allison Farnworth was awarded a Midwifery Research Fellowship in 2015 to complete the writing up of her PhD titled " A qualitative exploration of the role frontline health workers play in defining the quality of services provided to women experiencing an early miscarriage". 

This empirical study used micro-organisational social theory to explore the ways in which frontline health care workers manage issues of suboptimal quality of care and the implications this has for the care of women experiencing miscarriage and, more generally, for quality improvement strategies in the NHS. 

As Allison was also in full-time employment, she was able, with the help of Iolanthe funding, to take time away from her job and focus on the challenge of writing her thesis. She said:

being able to immerse myself in my project, and devote extended periods to the intellectual challenge of producing the thesis, made a huge difference to me

Many congratulations to Allison from all of the Iolanthe Trustees, on being awarded her PhD.