I was given £1000 to help cover the costs of my Masters in Advanced Child Protection in 2023.
This enabled me to complete the MSc. In my final year I focused on Infant removal, a particularly uncomfortable area of midwifery and child protection, scoring a merit. The Masters enabled me to explore all aspects of children’s safeguarding, augmenting my understanding of this subject.
My background was in community midwifery and homebirth. Then I became interested in safeguarding, enabling me to retain a specialist compassionate and holistic view on women with safeguarding issues, facilitating them to achieve the best possible social outcome, whilst retaining a focus on child protection.
This passionate beginning has run throughout my MSc, which I have been able to use to get my job as Named Midwife (interim) at Imperial NHS foundation Trust.
I am now able to make more executive decisions in relation to particular interest topics such as; contemporary understandings of the impact of mental health on parenting ability in liaison with mental health services; training and supervision – how to organise and support maternity staff at 2 large inner London hospitals; and empathetic care for women experiencing Infant removal and other child protection issues.
I have already undertaken webinars on Domestic Violence, as well as held multi-disciplinary discussions with partner organisations and the Integrated Care Board/ LSCP. This has been informed directly by the research and learning I acquired from the Masters.
The MSc included
Law Policy and Inter-agency working
Risk, Analysis and Decision Making
Help, Support and Direct Work
Organisations, Systems and Leadership
Dissertation (Infant Removal)
I thank Iolanthe for providing the money to help fund this - as well as for the additional sense that someone out there cared what I was doing & believed in my ability to do it!
I couldn’t have done it without you, and the award ceremony was a really wonderous reception – especially hearing what other passionate midwives have used their funding for.