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Grace Thomas

Grace Thomas is a Midwife with over 30 years experience and is so proud to be appointed as a Trustee of the Iolanthe Midwifery Trust. Grace moved into academia after working across a variety of clinical and managerial roles, including as Consultant Midwife for 10 years. Now her aim is to inspire and enable student midwives to gain research-based knowledge, skills, professionalism and confidence to safely and compassionately support women and their families to achieve a positive birth experience.

Grace is a Reader in Midwifery at Cardiff University and the Lead Midwife for Education. She is also is Deputy Director of the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Midwifery Development – one of only two WHOCCs specifically for midwifery in the world. With experience of working in Oman and Namibia, she co-led the development of a Midwifery Assessment Tool for Education (MATE), which will be published by WHO EURO in May 2020. Grace is on the editorial board of the European Journal of Midwifery and has been a past recipient of the RCM Education Award.